During a webinar organised by Inter-réseaux on 10 September 2021, three dairies talked about their experiences partnering with dairy farmers: the Banfora mini-dairy in Burkina Faso; the industrial dairy TIVISKI in Mauritania; and the Senegalese group Kirène, which is a franchise of the French cooperative Sodiaal. While they all face common challenges and share common values, each dairy has set up unique solutions that are specifically tailored to their environment. Here are three complementary initiatives that have sparked innovation for the development of the value chain at regional level.

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Local and international partnerships for local dairy value chains

During a webinar organised by Inter-réseaux on 10 September 2021, three dairies talked about their experiences partnering with dairy farmers: the Banfora mini-dairy in Burkina Faso; the industrial dairy TIVISKI in Mauritania; and the Senegalese group Kirène, which is a franchise of the French cooperative Sodiaal. While they all face common challenges and share common values, each dairy has set up unique solutions that are specifically tailored to their environment. Here are three complementary initiatives that have sparked…

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Using digital tools to manage a milk shed of agropastoralists in West Africa
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Cameroon’s poultry sector is counting on state support to reduce its dependence on key imported inputs
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Supranational regulation and liberalisation: frameworks disadvantageous to African agriculture?
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Partnership between farmers’ organisations and joint local authority groups for the livestock-meat sector in northern Benin
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Agro-Industry Fund: facilitating the mobilisation of private funding by SMEs in Burkina Faso
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Sub-Saharan Africa: a battleground for Western brewing companies
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Partnership between CGA and EAML in Kenya: an example to follow?
Alexandra Quet -Viéville, Inter-réseaux

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How are partnerships between farmers and businesses contributing to the sustainability of the food system in West Africa?
Bio Goura Soulé, Jean-Philippe Audinet, Sidy Ba

What connections, rivalries or synergies unite farmers, farmers’ organisations and formal companies within food systems? What types of support already exist or should exist in West Africa in order to promote synergies in partnerships between these different actors?

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We worked closely with our members to produce this issue of the magazine. Some of those members have direct experience in areas such as food systems and partnerships between farmers and businesses. For instance, AVSF (pp. 16-17), Fert (p. 35), Gret (pp. 18-19) and Saild (pp. 26-27) all made contributions to different articles in this issue.

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This issue of Grain de Sel was the fruit of a long-term group effort!

Issue no. 81 of Grain de Sel is part of the thematic cycle on the “private sector”, coordinated by Inter-réseaux since 2017. The team effort that went into producing this issue of the magazine made it possible to showcase work and ideas that have been developed over the long term, and to mobilise a diverse range of actors involved in the thematic cycle on the “private sector”.

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