Substantial gender gaps in time spent on unpaid domestic and care work can be found in every region of the world, and have expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are due, in large part, to rigid gender norms that place responsibility for unpaid care and domestic work disproportionately on women. As a result, women are more likely than men to be time poor—less able to make unconstrained choices about how to allocate their time. The authors of the article propose a new concept, “time-use agency,” defined as: “The confidence and ability to make and act upon strategic choices about how to allocate one’s time.” This concept, drawing together separate strands of research on time use and women’s agency, is outlined in a new publication, “Exploring Gendered Experiences of Time-Use Agency in Benin, Malawi, and Nigeria as a New Concept to Measure Women’s Empowerment.”
Read also an article about non paid work in Grain de sel n°80 written by Barbara Ky : ici