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publié dans Ressources le 25 août 2022

More and Better Fertilizers Needed for Global Food Security


Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleIntrantsSemencesAfriqueArticle scientifique

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With the pandemic and current invasion of Russia into Ukraine, all eyes are on the rising global food and fuel prices. And the newly published 2022 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report has confirmed a great fear: 150 million more people are undernourished than before the COVID-19 pandemic began and ground has been lost in achieving SDG 2 (among others) by 2030. Though this indicator had steadily decreased from 2005 to 2017, it is now rising much more sharply. Therefore, the report urges the U.S. $630 billion in support to agricultural services be repurposed to make nutritious foods more available and affordable.

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