Cet article est uniquement disponible en Anglais.

publié dans Ressources le 3 novembre 2023

“Is anyone worried about the farmer? Don’t just express worry in words, do something about it”


Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleChangement climatiqueGenreAgriculture familialeMicrofinanceAfrique de l’EstAfriqueOugandaEntretien

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The European Center for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), for a good feedback of information, here gives the floor to actors on the ground, in this case Elizabeth Nsimadala, a Ugandan agripreneur and farmer, president of the Farmers’ Federation of East Africa (EAFF). With the facilitator of ECDPM (Cecilia D’Alessandro), they discuss the links between food and climate policies, gender equality in food systems, as well as the opportunities and challenges related to improving access to finance for small agricultural operators. The ECDPM guest argues that African governments and their development partners must increase financial flows to African smallholder farmers, particularly women and youth, to ensure food and nutrition security and improve productivity. adaptation of African agriculture to climate change.

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