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publié dans Ressources le 8 janvier 2024

How can we advance gender equality and food security in Africa?


Commercialisation - MarchésSécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleGenreLeaders paysan.ne.sSystèmes alimentairesAfriqueAudio/podcast

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Continuing its series of podcasts on agricultural development issues, ECDPM (the European Centre for Development Policy Management) devotes this episode to the crucial question of the place of gender in food systems. Cecilia D’Alessandro and her guest, Dr Debisi Araba, member of the Malabo Montpellier Panel, focus on the experience of four African countries that have made significant progress in women’s empowerment and active participation in systems transformation food. The discussions focus on two major questions which serve as challenges : how can the objectives of food security and gender equality be achieved simultaneously ? And what steps are already being taken to ensure that women actively participate in food systems ?

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