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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 15 mars 2024

Agrobiodiversity Conference 2024 'Enriching nature and nutrition through agroecological knowledge, seed management, and climate-smart business and finance models'


BiodiversitéAsieAfriqueAmérique latineConférence, colloque, séminaire

Pokhara, Nepal

du 8 avril 2024 au 12 avril 2024

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Focusing on FFPOs from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the conference aims to address common challenges in maintaining agrobiodiversity and adapt models to benefit members’ livelihoods. It also strives to strengthen collaboration between FFPOs and governmental institutions, the private sector, finance institutions, and other stakeholders to promote agrobiodiversity within the forest and farm value chains. Lastly, the conference aims to create a knowledge base developed and owned by FFPOs, mainstreaming gender and youth concerns and incorporating indigenous and traditional knowledge into the discourse.

Specifically, the conference will lead to:

  • Documented cases of good practices and tactics that sustain agrobiodiversity from FFPO and IPLC groups from which lessons can be learned
  • Agreed actions to expand the co-production of knowledge on agrobiodiversity management in different contexts
  • Agreed actions to promote the diversification of seed sources that sustain options for agrobiodiversity
  • Agreed actions to pilot and upscale innovative business and financial models that incentivise agrobiodiversity conservation rather than diminish it.
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