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publié dans Ressources le 5 janvier 2024

Impact study of FERT's action in Kenya with cereal growers association


CéréalesAgriculture familialeAppui OPKenyaAnalyse, synthèse

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Fert has been operating in Kenya since 2015 through a partnership with Cereal Growers Association (CGA). In particular, it supports this farmer organisation (FO) in setting up services for its members. At the end of 9 years of action, Fert and CGA wanted to appreciate their
collaboration and know their impact on CGA members. An impact study was carried out from April to September 2022 by a pair of French and Kenyan students.

It was conducted in Nakuru and Laikipia counties: Nakuru County, for its anteriority in action (since 2016), the presence of many groups of small-scale farmers and its central location. In this county, agriculture contributes to 48% of household income. Laikipia county, because CGA had no other intervention prior to its partnership with Fert and can thus testify to the dissemination capabilities of the action. In this county, agriculture contributes to 75% of household income.

The study synthesis is based on a comprehensive, systemic and iterative approach and qualitative surveys (42 surveys conducted in Nakuru and 44 in Laikipia). The choice of actors to be investigated and the organization of this study were discussed with the CGA agribusiness coordinators (Acs).

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