Inter-réseaux Développement rural was born in 1996 from the merger of several thematic networks on rural development, including "Groupements, associations villageoises organisations paysannes" (GAO), "Search-Développement" and "Stratégies Alimentaires". Initially attached to Adeprina (Association for the development and promotion of research and innovation at AgroParisTech), the network became an association under the French law of 1901 in 2005 to guarantee its decision-making autonomy. The statutes were thoroughly revised in 2017 to better reflect the diversity of its members.
In 2012, while membership was individual, the network opened to European and African organizations. This opening launched a new dynamic of exchanges and joint actions within the network. Since then, new members are regularly welcomed and contribute to enrich the network.
In 2017 was built the second Strategic Orientation Plan ofInter-réseaux that extends over the period 2018-2022.
In 2019, the creation of a Inter-réseaux Charter reaffirmed the network's shared values and commitments.
Since its arrival in 2019 on the campus of the Jardin d'Agronomie Tropicale - René Dumont, Inter-réseaux has been a member of the Cité du Développement Durable which, in a multi-network spirit, brings together research and teaching institutes, NGOs, etc. involved in sustainable development in France and around the world.