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publié dans Ressources le 6 janvier 2025

Impact of tractorization on crop outcomes and farmers’ welfare in southern Borno, Nigeria


Mécanisation - MotorisationNigeriaArticle scientifique

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This study assessed the impact of agricultural mechanization, specifically tractorization, on the crop outcomes and farmers’ welfare in southern Borno, Nigeria, using a quasi-experimental design and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The study used household survey data from the Nigeria General Household Survey-Panel (NGHS-P), which is a nationally representative survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in collaboration with the World Bank. The results indicated that a 20% increase in tractorization led to a 15% rise in crop yield, a 12% increase in output value, a 10% boost in net income, and an 8% improvement in food expenditure and dietary diversity scores. Conversely, it resulted in a 5% decrease in food aid dependency and a 7% reduction in food consumption scores. This study also provided policy implications and recommendations for promoting inclusive and sustainable tractorization and food security in Nigeria and other similar contexts.

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