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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 3 novembre 2023

Governance and policy innovation : country experiences, tools and approaches


Systèmes alimentairesSécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleRechercheCoopération Nord-SudEuropeAsieAfriqueWebinaire

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9 novembre 2023

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognizes and intends to strengthen the central role of innovation to increase the impact of its projects and programs. To this end, it is organizing an upcoming webinar dedicated to this issue wich will be a unique opportunity to glean insights from stakeholders and partners, who have tested tools and approaches in policy and governance innovation at the national level. It’s an exploration of the tangible progress made, the challenges surmounted, and the invaluable lessons learned from concrete experiences from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malawi and beyond.

Join this webinar on November 9, 2023, (14:00-16:00 hours CET). The event will be in English.

Access link for registration : https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_khWXsOWzQY-xU0TbKTciTQ#/registration


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