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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 1 octobre 2019

Webinar: Dynamics of the AU-EU Approaches for Rural transformation


Politique agricole et rurale nationaleEuropeAfrique

1 octobre 2019

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LEAP4FNSSA project organizes a webinar on Tuesday 1st of October 2019 (15:00 to 16:00).

The webinar will shed the light on the recent report of the Task Force Rural Africa An Africa-Europe Agenda for Rural Transformation”. The Report stresses the importance of good policy as the key to developing the agri-food sector and rural areas, and here Europe and Africa can draw on their rich capacities and experience. It also recommends to directly involve farmers, cooperatives, civil society, and the private sector in policymaking and in their own futures.

The webinar will be led by Dr. Bruno Losch – CIRAD – “The changing EU Africa Political Relationship” Dr. Irene Frempong – FARA – “Mainstreaming Policies into actions and Programmes.”

Information and registration here

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