Cet article est uniquement disponible en Anglais.

publié dans Ressources le 2 janvier 2019

Report : « Learning from NES Togo. Good Practices from a Multi-Stakeholder Platform »

International Land Coalition (ILC)

Accaparement des terresFoncier et politiques foncièresTogoEtude, rapport

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Good practices in national engagement strategy (NES) Togo are strictly connected with the genesis of the NES itself.

The NES 2013-2017 reflects the intention of the Togolese civil society to provide assistance to the Government and its partners in finding effective responses to the country’s main land issues, while supporting the preparation of a preliminary draft Code Foncier (Land Code).

See the article on the website of Hub rural : here

Download the report, English version (PDF 12 pages, 3.6 Mo) : here

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