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publié dans Ressources le 10 mai 2024

Reflections on Development with Melissa Leach

Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG)Coopération et développementMondeAudio/podcast

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In this special episode of the IDS Between the Lines podcast, Andy Sumner, Professor of International Development at Kings College London and President of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) interviews Professor Melissa Leach who leaves IDS after 33 years. This includes the last decade of her being the Director of IDS.

In the conversation Melissa talks about:

  •  What her main research and policy contributions have been and how have these evolved over the years
  • How has development studies changed over her time at IDS?
  • And what does she see as the main opportunities and challenges for the future in an uncertain world?
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