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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 25 septembre 2023

Voices of youth for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization and Digitization


JeunesMécanisation - MotorisationTICConférence, colloque, séminaire

du 28 septembre 2023 au 28 septembre 2023

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience” from 27 to 29 September 2023. On 28th September 2023, in the sidelines of this global event, the youth have not been left behind, as GAMC will host the side event, “Voices of Youth for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization and Digitization”, tailored for young people in the agrifood sector. The event brings together agricultural youths ranging from digital agri-entrepreneurs, researchers, public, private, and international development sector players etc., all with a direct contact with farmers in their sphere of work, more so a common goal of sustainably mechanizing agriculture.


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