January 17, 2023
9:30 – 11h30 GMT
In West Africa, agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS), marked by decades of orientation towards the green revolution model, are increasingly mobilized to support dynamics of agroecological transitions. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the actual capacities of EAS to effectively facilitate agroecological transitions, and if not, on the improvements to be carried out. To fill these gaps, an original study, crossing agroecology and agricultural advisory services, was conducted in five West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Niger.
The overall objective of this webinar is to share the results of this study in order to draw lessons for agricultural advisory services at the regional level. The specific objectives are: (i) to present and disseminate knowledge generated on the needs of agroecological transitions in key agro-pastoral value chains; (ii) to share results of the evaluation of the consideration of agroecological transitions by EAS and their support functions; and (iii) to facilitate exchanges and learning on the transformations and capacities necessary for the development of agroecology sensitive EAS in West Africa.The webinar will include presentations and interactions with participants.
It is organized by RESCAR-AOC in partnership with CIRAD, IRAM and Inter-réseaux Développement rural in the framework of the ACOTAF project.
Link to the webinar : ici
In the wake of this seminar, a second one will be planned (between the 17th and 19th of January) to discuss the levers of agricultural EAS.