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publié dans Ressources le 19 janvier 2023

Publication (Land Use Policy) : "Do land property rights matter for stimulating agricultural productivity? Empirical evidence from Burkina Faso"

Hub Rural/Land Use Policy

Foncier et politiques foncièresBurkina FasoArticle scientifique

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Publication (Land Use Policy) : “Do land property rights matter for stimulating agricultural productivity? Empirical evidence from Burkina Faso”

« The results show that formal land rights positively and significantly affect land productivity. It is also found that formal education, non-farm activities, receiving cash transfers, and social capital affect land productivity. Our findings show evidence that land property rights matter for stimulating agricultural productivity, especially by motivating large-scale private land related-investments in Burkina Faso. However, it would be too early and somehow naïve to claim that the possession of a legal title is the best way to grant land tenure security in the current context of Burkina Faso, where land market imperfections are a non-negligible issue.»

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