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publié dans Ressources le 2 octobre 2023

Agroforestry can play a key role in the fight against climate change


Changement climatiqueBiodiversitéAgroforesterieAsieAfriqueAmérique latineEtude, rapport

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As the world races to reduce carbon emissions, a new scientific review published in Nature Climate Change underscores the untapped potential of agroforestry as a natural climate solution in the fight to secure a sustainable future. The review was led by global environment nonprofit The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with other internationally recognized organizations, including CIRAD. This study is an interesting contribution to the debate on the correlation between agroforestry and climate change. It strives to demonstrate the valuable advantages of agroforestry, in particular its contribution to improving agricultural yields and diversifying agricultural income. Agroforestory can also effectively impact the sustainability and climate resilience of food production systems.

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