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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 19 octobre 2023

Scoping study on data availability and use about food markets in Africa

Food Prices for Nutrition project (Tufts University)

Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleRégulation des marchésSecteur privé et développementAfriqueAppel à proposition/à contribution


13 novembre 2023

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The Food Prices for Nutrition (FPN) project at Tufts University is seeking one or more consultants for a scoping study on the availability, use and need for data analysis to guide action on food markets in Africa. The consultancy will begin in January 2024, towards completion of a complete draft study in early December 2024 and a revised final version in June 2025. The consultant(s) would work closely with FPN staff and graduate students, under the direction of Prof. William Masters. A description of the entire project is here.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae or capability statement with a cover letter briefly describing how their expertise and experience applies to this scope of work, to FPN@tufts.edu prior to 8am Boston time on Monday November 13 th .

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