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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 25 octobre 2023

3rd Africa Food Environment Research Network (FERN2023) Meeting

MEALS4NCDs Project

Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleSystèmes alimentairesAfriqueEvenement


du 1 novembre 2023 au 3 novembre 2023

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MEALS4NCDs Project is organizing the 3rd Africa Food Environment Research Network (FERN2023) Meeting, scheduled to happen in November 1st, 2nd and 3rd (fully virtual), on : “Facilitating the identification, collation and valorisation of food environments research, policy, and practice in Africa”

The objectives of FERN2023 are:

  1. To facilitate the identification, collation and valorisation of Africa-focused food environment related research, policy, and practice initiatives.
  2. To connect researchers in the African sub-region and Global North whose work relates directly or indirectly to improving food environments in Africa
  3. To kindle a collaborative environment and a cross-pollination of food environments’ improvement ideas
  4. To stimulate capacity building, in particular among students and early career researchers.

Programme and registration here

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