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publié dans Ressources le 7 mai 2024

Categorisation of Rural Development Stakeholders in Bui Division, North West Region of Cameroon

Bime Blaise Nyanyoh/Clarkson Mvo Wanie

Secteur privé et développementCoopération et développementCamerounArticle scientifique

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Rural development is a complex process involving multiple stakeholders with diverse interests and roles. The question of categorising these stakeholders which is missing in current literature is an urgent matter. This study aims to categorise the rural development stakeholders and examine their spatial geographical coverage in Bui Division of Cameroon. To do this, data was obtained from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through field observations, personal interviews with RD institutions and administration of 360 questionnaire to the rural population of Kumbo, Oku and Noni Sub-Divisions within Bui Division. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and cartographic techniques with the help of figures, percentages, tables and a map. The findings revealed internal and external stakeholders in the rural development process, who are unevenly distributed within the division (40.9% in Kumbo, 30% in Oku and 29.1% in Noni). The study concludes that a critical foundation to formulate strategies for strengthening RD planning and implementation via stakeholder categorization in the area is in dire need. By providing a novel stakeholder categorisation approach, the study recommends that the internal and external stakeholder groups should each delineate their own set of priorities and requirements in streamlining sustainable future RD in the area. Also, the state should ensure balanced distribution of RD stakeholders by increasing their numbers in the less developed sub-divisions such as Noni and Oku in order to ensure that all sub-divisions equitably benefit from RD initiatives.

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