The offer of agricultural advisory services has become a lot more diversified in Africa over the past thirty years, but there is still a long way to go in order to meet the needs of all farmers in terms of both quantity and quality. The lack of adequate services affects not only agricultural productivity, but also public health and the environment (poor use of inputs, for instance). Several countries have recently introduced new (and sometimes ambitious) policies to address this issue, such as Morocco, Madagascar, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. The new policies are part of an attempt to revitalise advisory services by taking advantage of the wide range of approaches and schemes that are already used in the field, coordinating them, and providing a framework for them. These policies face a number of major hurdles, however, in terms of funding, governance, and advisor qualification. This brief was produced by a working group led by Inter-réseaux Développement Rural and comprising IRAM, CIRAD and Ambre Conseil/CERFRANCE, among others. It is based in particular on: a report submitted to the French Development Agency (AFD), an issue of the Grain de Sel magazine, a Bulletin de Veille newsletter, an experience-sharing event, and contributions from individual members (see “References”).