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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 27 décembre 2023

World Bank Land Conference 2024

Banque Mondiale

Foncier et politiques foncièresConférence, colloque, séminaire


du 13 mai 2024 au 17 mai 2024

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For over two decades, the World Bank Land Conference catalyzed the global land community. The Conference is the premier forum for the land sector, bringing together participants from governments, development partners, civil society, academia, and the private sector to showcase research, discuss issues and good practice, and inform policy dialogue. The Conference encourages cross-sectoral knowledge exchange and has incubated numerous investments, initiatives, and research projects led by diverse stakeholders, including the Voluntary Guidelines, the Sustainable Development Goal on Secure Land Tenure, the Land Governance Assessment Framework, and the Stand for Her Land Campaign.

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