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Bulletin de veille thématique n°482 : Artisanat minier et développement rural : un filon à risques ?
PastoralismGenreEnvironment/ecologyYoung peopleOrganic farmingConflict, insecurityDecentralization/territorial governanceMiningLand and territoriesWest AfricaAlgeriaBurkina FasoGabonBeninCentral African RepublicCameroonSierra LeoneGuineaChadIvory CoastComorosTogoSouth AfricaGhanaBurundiNorth AfricaSudanMoroccoSaharaMadagascarCentral AfricaTunisiaSenegalCongo BrazzavilleMaliSahelNigerMauritaniaNewsletter
Bulletin de veille n°460 – Spécial transitions agroécologiques
Certification, brands, labels, geographical indicationsSustainable management of natural resourcesNational agricultural and rural policyPastoralismTrainingProducer organizationsGenderFarm advisory servicesResilienceAgro-ecologyLivestockUrban/peri-urban agricultureFood systemsWest AfricaAfricaBulletin, newsletter