Represented by

Name : Malamine OUATTARA

Position: RESCAR-AOC Facilitator, responsible for coordinating the activities of the Executive Secretariat

Email :

Phone : +226 75375113

Mr. Malamine OUATTARA is an agricultural engineer specializing in agricultural and rural advisory services and food security. He has been RESCAR-AOC's Facilitator since September 2022.

Presentation of the member

Brief presentation

The Réseau des Services de Conseil Agricole et Rural d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (RESCAR-AOC) is a multi-stakeholder platform for agricultural and rural advisory services in West and Central Africa. It is a member of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS). RESCAR-AOC aligns itself with the aims and guiding principles of these organizations. It advocates synergies and partnerships with AFAAS, GFRAS and all other players in agricultural and rural development, based on the principle of subsidiarity.
RESCAR-AOC aims to be a key player in the planning and operationalization of sub-regional agricultural policies and investments designed to contribute to sustainable development in West and Central Africa.


RESCAR-AOC's mission is to provide a space for exchange, learning, sharing and capacity-building among agricultural advisory stakeholders in West and Central Africa, in order to improve their performance and impact.

Areas of intervention

West and Central Africa

Areas of specialization

Agricultural and rural consulting :
- Knowledge management ;
- Professionalization of farm advisory services;
- Advocacy and strategic dialogue;
- Networking and partnership.

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