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publié dans Agenda du développement rural le 4 septembre 2023

International Year of Millets Photo Contest


Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelleCéréalesMilEuropeAmérique du NordAsieAfriqueAmérique latineAppel à candidature, concours

En ligne

du 1 septembre 2023 au 31 octobre 2023

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For professional or amateur photographers, millets growers, enthusiasts and advocates!

Join the International Year of Millets Photo Contest and spread the word about the many benefits of millets, from their diversity to the variety of nutritious dishes they can produce, their ability to thrive on arid lands, and their market potential.

Photographs will be selected by an international professional jury, including the Magnum Photos Editorial Director.

The first prize winner of the photo contest will be invited to the official closing ceremony of the International Year of Millets in 2024.

All 5 winners will be promoted on FAO social media and partner websites and will receive a certificate of recognition and a surprise gift bag.

For more information, please contact: International-Year-Millets@fao.org

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