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publié dans Ressources le 3 mars 2014

ECDPM, ESRF, LARES : Independent Assessment of the CAADP Multi-Donor Trust Fund


PDDAA - PNIAEtude, rapport

This report finds that the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) supporting the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has played a key role in building the capacity of institutions tasked with advancing CAADP at continental and regional level and in improving coordination around CAADP. Nevertheless, it identifies important shortcomings in the way this support has translated to impact on the ground at the national level. Such shortcomings could be addressed during the ongoing design for a future MDTF. Making the MDTF more effective requires improving the governance of the Fund and clarifying its role vis-à- vis the CAADP structures and other types of CAADP support. But also a stronger role of national stakeholders in continental CAADP, better mainstreaming of CAADP in official AU-RECs organs and stronger subsidiarity, seem to be preconditions for such MDTF improvements to work.

Read the paper (64 p, 2Mo) : http://www.ecdpm.org/Web_ECDPM/Web/Content/Download.nsf/0/3965AB738953E9BCC1257C85004ED6F4/$FILE/DP158_MDTF%20assessment_final.20.02.2014.pdf

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