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publié dans Ressources le 1 octobre 2010


Afrique de l’OuestNigeria

_ Assessment of Seed-Sub Sector Policy in Nigeria
P. Kormawa, E. Okorji, R. Okechukwu, 73 p.
The seed sub-sector policy in Nigeria was given a legal status with the enactment of the Agricultural Seed Decree No 72 of 1992. The Decree established the National Agricultural Seed Council to promote and stimulate the development of dependable seed industry, regulate and control the registration of released varieties, protect the farmers from the sale of poor quality seeds, facilitate the production and marketing of high quality seeds in Nigeria, and provide legal backing for official testing, certification, sales, importation, exportation, and use of seeds. This study evaluates seed sector policy by examining the effectiveness of the various bodies in the performance of their responsibilities, the effectiveness of prevailing regulatory mechanism, and the constraints to effective implementation of the seed policy as well as the estimated seed requirement in Nigeria. The document consists of 5 sections: introduction and sections on implementation of the seed policy, constraints on effective implementation of the seed policy, seed production, organizational structure of the seed industry, and seed demand, supply and profitability.
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